Posts tagged #team world vision

Support me running the Comrades Marathon

On my birthday (Lord willing) I'll be running 54 miles in South Africa in the Comrades Marathon. The reason I'm putting my body through the pain/struggle is to help children around the world get access to basic essentials like clean water, education, and hygiene. I'm asking friends and family members to sponsor a child through World Vision. It's $39 a month.  It's a big commitment, but it has an even bigger impact in a child's life and their community.

Shoot me a text or give me a ring at (630)400-3524 if you are interested in sponsoring a child and/or want to know more. I'm happy to answer any questions and share more about why I'm doing what I'm doing. You can also help by sharing/re-tweeting stuff I post on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram at @orionpahl.

Here is a link with more info about Child Sponsorship through World Vision.

Much love. Much much love. Your support means the world.


A pixelated picture of me running Comrades last year. This year (2017) is an UPHILL YEAR. We start on the coast and work our way up to the mountains.

A pixelated picture of me running Comrades last year. This year (2017) is an UPHILL YEAR. We start on the coast and work our way up to the mountains.

I produced this video in 2014 for Team World Vision. The time spent talking to Michael Chitwood, seeing the dedication/sacrifice of World Vision Kenya employees, and seeing the impact in Maureen's life changed me forever. The work World Vision is up to around the world is truly transformational. I'm humbled to be a small part of that work. I encourage you to be a part of it too. 

Posted on May 17, 2017 and filed under travel, personal.

Everyday life / Nostalgia / Looking back

I am editing a few videos for Team World Vision right now and have had to review footage from my trip w/ them to Kenya in April, 2014.

In some ways, I am a raw-video hoarder. For the past 8 years or so I've filmed many-many moments with no end product in mind. I could spend hours going through old photos, videos, and mementos. It all means something. It all happened. It's all connected. 

Just thought I'd share one of those moments with you.

Hope you're finding meaning in those everyday mundane moments - knowing that they're worth something; worth everything. 

Posted on September 3, 2015 and filed under documentary, video, travel.