Posts tagged #Brotherhood

Caleb Pahl | Brother

I made this video 5 years ago to celebrate my brother & brotherhood.

Caleb carries a lot of titles: Man | Son | Brother | Husband | Father | Leader 

This video was made when he was transitioning from "brother" to "husband". An ode to the bond we had growing up and a celebration of his coming union with Claudia. I shot it on $25 point-and-shoot digital camera & I've never shared it before. Hope you enjoy!

ross, my brother, and i traveled to savannah georgia to see joshua and his fiancee corazon. along the way i documented random moments. 4 months later i used the clips to make a video for my brother's birthday. he is getting married in july. these adventures weigh more in sight of the transformation our brotherhood will undergo. love you caleb. looking for the circle you will start. the song used is "Day 1" by explosions in the sky

Posted on February 20, 2015 and filed under personal, video, poetry.