Posts tagged #Work

Employment is Important

A few friends launched a Kickstarter today for a new clothing company called Victor Athletics that is going to create work in a rural Tennessee town. You should check it out. 

I got to help film for their Kickstarter video at the factory where Victor Athletics clothing will be made. There were over 100 work stations, but only a few of them were filled. It felt both hollow and hopeful.  So much had once been --- but thanks to Victor Athletics, so much was yet come.

All this to say, employment and work is important. At 25 years old, I'm still forming and figuring my ethic and approach to work, but what I've learned recently is that having work is a gift.

I recently polished up a documentary on a clock factory in Chicago that employs people who are legally blind.  I learned some profound things while there and I hope you can too. Regardless, I hope you are working and know that having work is a meaningful thing. If you're unemployed or in-between jobs, whatever you're doing, I hope you are pouring your whole being into it. 

A short documentary on a clock-making factory in Chicago, IL where all of the employees are legally blind. Visit the Chicago Lighthouse website to learn more about all they're doing!

You can learn more about all the programs at the Chicago Lighthouse at

Posted on March 17, 2015 and filed under personal, documentary, shout out.